Pack 240 - Den 10
Texas City, Texas

Pack meetings are held every 2nd Thursday of the month at 7 PM. Meetings held at Our Lady of  Fatima School GYM at 1600 9th Ave.

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Meetings are subject to change. Please check back often.

September 11th, Pack Meeting - Webelos 2
 7 PM at Fatima

September 13th Popcorn Sales Begin
Trails End Popcorn Website

September 18th Cub Scout Rally at Fatima 6PM
Need a few leaders help

September 14th, Astros Game
Scout Parade at 11 AM, Games starts 1:05 PM

September 28th Pack Car Wash
Texas First Bank 1 PM - 6 PM
12:30 - 2 PM: Savage Sharks & Den 2
2-3: Den 5 & Den 6
3-4: Den 1 & Den 4
4-5: Den 11
Boys need to pre-sale 4 carwash tickets. Tickets are $5.00 each and den leaders will hand them out. If all 4 tickets are sold, boys will get a ticket to Native American Weekend Nov. 7-8th. Please bring old towels for drying cars.

October 2nd Roundtable
at Faith Lutheran Church, Dickinson 7 PM

October 5, Committee Meeting
4:30 PM at Texas City Scout House

October 16th Pack Meeting- Webelos 1
**Notice it is not the second Thurs
7 PM at Fatima. Fire House will be there.

October 11th Zoofari 8:30 AM - 4:30

October 26th Fatima Fall Bazaar
Boys will help clean up, time will come.

November 6, Roundtable
at Faith Lutheran Church, Dickinson 7 PM

November 9th, Committee Meeting
4:30 PM at Texas City Scout House

November 7th - 8th Native American Weekend
Click here for link More information to come.

November 13, Pack Meeting, 7PM
Arrow of Light Ceremony for 2nd Year Webelos.
This will be at the Goodson's home. More information to come.

December 4th, Pack Texas City Parade and Meeting
More information to come.

December 6th Ten Commandment Hike
In Galveston - Information

December 7th Committee Meeting
4:30 PM at the Texas City Scout House.
New Officers will be elected


January 8th Roundtable 7 PM
at Faith Lutheran Church in Dickinson

January 10th Scouter Success Seminar
More information to come

January 11th Committee Meeting
4:30 PM at the Texas City Scout House.

January 22nd Pack Meeting
7 PM at Fatima ~ Pinewood Derby Weigh In

January 23rd Pinewood Derby Final Weigh In
Fatima at 6pm

January 24th Pinewood Derby Races
Starting at 8:30 AM at Fatima

February 5th Roundtables
at Faith Lutheran Church, Dickinson 7 PM

February 8th Committee Meeting
4:30 PM Scout House in Texas City

February 21st Blue and Gold Banquet
5 PM at Fatima

March 5th Roundtable
at Faith Lutheran Church, Dickinson 7 PM

March 12th Pack Meeting
7 PM at Fatima - Sheriff Speaker (finger printing)

April 2nd Roundtables
at Faith Lutheran Church, Dickinson 7 PM

April 5th Committee Meeting
4:30 PM at the Texas City Scout House

April 23rd Pack Meeting
**Notice it is not the second thursday
7 PM at Fatima

April 5th Raingutter Regatta
5 PM at the Shamrock Ranch

April 24th - 26th Cub-o-ree
Camp Karankawa

May 7th Roundtables
at Faith Lutheran Church, Dickinson 7 PM

May 3rd Committee Meeting
4:30 at Scout House

May 14th Pack Meeting
7 PM at Fatima


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