Pack 240 - Den 10
Texas City, Texas

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Rain Gutter Rally - September 25th, 2005
From 4:00 to 6:00 at 4002 29th Street
Wear your class "A" Uniforms.
There will be craft tables, games, hot dogs, drinks & of course the Raingutter Race. Den 10 will be purchasing the Raingutter Regatta Kits for the boys. They will be given out at the next meeting or call Kathrine to get your kit. You will not have to do any carving on the boat, but will need to do lots of sanding, painting and decorating of the boats.
 A " Den Wide Ice Cream Making Contest" will be going on & winners will get the Golden Ice Cream Cone. Call 941-0699 for more information.

Popcorn sale starts October 1st
Get your order forms from the Goodson's. Orders & money has to be turned in by October 25th. Delivery date of orders is November 12th. Show & sell dates will be announced later.

Cub-o-Ree - October 21st - 23rd, 2005
Theme this year is "Your Chance to be a Super Hero"
Cost is $10 for Cubs & $5 for Adults. You must pre-register with Danny before October 10th in order to be guaranteed an event patch. Make sure he has a medical form filled out for each attendee.
Events for Saturday are: push-mobiles, rowboats, BB gun, archery, slingshots, scout skills, crafts, pioneering, Tomahawk throwing & various other things.  Everyone involved is encouraged to follow the theme "Your Chance to be a Super Hero" with prizes for best theme & best costumes.

Pine Wood Derby Races January 14th, 2005
More information to come